Got a Ticket!
Did you receive a CORRECTION ACTION NOTICE FRO MVD? A LETTER instructing you to attend Traffic Survival School?
Drivers who have been notified by the MVD or the Court system must attend Arizona Traffic Survival School. You can be ordered by the Department of Motors Vehicles, the court system or notified by the Arizona chapter national safety council to attend school.
We offer courses weekly for DUI mandates, accumulated points, red-light violations and many more traffic infractions. ALSO, Arizona Traffic Survival School is designed to help drivers become better drivers and to reduce traffic violations. The TSS course covers topics such as defensive driving, driver safety, and the rules of the road. Attending this course can help drivers become better drivers and more aware of the rules of the road.
Traffic Survival School (TSS), Is a corrective program that’s mandatory for all drivers who have been held responsible for a traffic violation. It is a directive handed out by the Arizona Motor Vehicles Division (MVD) that requires the violator to attend and complete an 8-hour TSS class to avoid suspension of their driver’s license in AZ. Failure to attend and complete the TSS class can result in the suspension of the driver's license. This suspension means the individual will be legally prohibited from driving until the course is completed and compliance is verified by the MVD. Additionally, a suspended license can lead to increased insurance premiums and further legal complications if caught driving without a valid license.
Some violations include the following:
Each time you are convicted or forfeit bail for a moving traffic violation, points are assessed against your permanent driving record. If you accumulate 8 or more points in any 12-month period, you may be required to attend Traffic Survival School (TSS), or your driving privilege may be suspended.
You must complete your class within 60 days.
Convictions for red-light/stop-sign running, aggressive driving, moving violations resulting in death or serious injury, and the first moving violation for drivers under 18 years of age require successful completion of Traffic Survival School following assignment. Failure to successfully complete Traffic Survival School when ordered will result in the suspension of the person’s driving privilege.
Traffic Survival School (TSS) is a program designed to enhance drivers’ habits and deepen their understanding of state road laws and regulations. Here are some key points about TSS:
Purpose: TSS aims to improve driving behavior and promote safer roads by addressing specific issues that led to a driver’s attendance. It is not a class that dismisses traffic citations, but it is often a requirement for reinstating a driver’s license.
Requirements: TSS is required by the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) and must be attended within 60 days of receiving a Corrective Action Letter from MVD. Failure to attend TSS within this timeframe may result in license suspension1.
Points Accumulation: If a driver accumulates 8 or more points on their driving record within a 12-month period due to moving traffic violations, they may be required to attend TSS. Otherwise, their driving privilege could be suspended for up to 12 months.
When your course has been completed you will receive a Certificate of Completion. This will be provided to you in person or by email.
Our classes are 8 hours long.
Traffic Survival School (TSS),Is a corrective program that’s mandatory for all drivers who have been held responsible for a traffic violation.
It is a directive handed out by the Arizona Motor Vehicles Division (MVD) that requires the violator to attend and complete an 8-hour TSS class to avoid suspension of their driver’s license in AZ.
We have a few options on pricing, please see our store page for details.
Traffic Survival School will not dismiss your citation, But is often a requirement to reinstate your driver’s license. You will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the eight hour class.
Arizona Traffic Schools - Out of State. We have an online course for people who live out of state and received an Arizona ticket: You can take the course online
Traffic survival school is an eight-hour course, in-class, that is monitored and mandated by the state of Arizona and the Motor Vehicle Department itself. If you are notified to attend, it is required that you must attend the classes in order to avoid having your license suspended or voided.
The Arizona Supreme Court requires that the entire Arizona driving school course (including final exam) must be completed seven (7) calendar days prior to your court appearance due date. Failure to do so will result in an expulsion from the program without a refund.
Traffic Survival School will help you meet requirements of your court mandate or Motor Vehicle Department corrective letter. Learn about Choice Theory for driving. Build new skills and create an action plan to be a responsible driver.
2 points
Running a red light in Arizona or a stop sign is a violation that carries significant penalties in Arizona. Offenders can face fines and accrue points on their driver's licenses. Currently, the stop sign or red light ticket cost is approximately $250, and it results in the addition of 2 points to the driver's license.
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